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Идиома The Tip of the Iceberg

Идиома The Tip of the Iceberg Данная идиома The Tip of the Iceberg  появилась и стала употребляться в начале 20-го столетия, связанного с фактом потопления Титаник вследствие столкновения с айсбергом. Идиома характеризует какую-либо проблему и только видимую ее часть. Образно выражаясь, "the tip of the iceberg" малая часть чего-либо большего. 


«Company X is having trouble selling a particular product. A manager is examining customer complaints about the product. These complaints include frustration with customer support staff. The manager reports to the company president, "I'm sorry but, the complaints about thin-skinned customer support staff are just the tip of the iceberg. This product is the subject of five times the complaints of products we've sold in similar numbers. I'm convinced this is an indication of larger problems.»

«The problems that you see here now are just the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous disasters waiting to happen.»

«afraid that these few reported cases of the disease might only be the tip of the iceberg.»



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Цитата дня


Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it.
Богатство принадлежит не тому, кто владеет им, а тому, кто получает от него удовольствия.

Franklin / Франклин
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