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Remembering Audrey

Remembering AudreyHer life, although too short, reads like a fairy tale. Born in Belgium to wealth and status - her mother was a real Dutch baroness - she suffered through World War II in a city in Holland that was under Nazi occupation. She saw horrendous things, and some of her relatives were shot for aiding the Resistance. But she survived.

Remembering Liz

Remembering LizElizabeth Taylor was born in 1932 in London. LIFE magazine was born in 1936 in New York City. The Taylor family moved to Los Angeles in 1939, and not long thereafter young Elizabeth was making movies.

My Life and Work - An Autobiography of Henry Ford

My Life and Work - An Autobiography of Henry Ford Моя жизнь, мои достижения (Генри Форд)"My Life and Work - An Autobiography of Henry Ford" (Моя жизнь, мои достижения) автобиографическая работа Генри Форда, основателя и создателя массового конвейерного производства. Этот бизнесмен сыграл выдающуюся роль в становлении автомобильной промышленности не только в Америке, но и во всем мире.


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My Life and Work - An Autobiography of Henry Ford My Life and Work - An Autobiography of Henry Ford "My Life and Work - An Autobiography of Henry Ford" (Моя жизнь, мои достижения) автобиографическая работа...
Remembering Audrey Remembering Audrey Her life, although too short, reads like a fairy tale. Born in Belgium to wealth and status - her mother was a real Dutch baroness - she suffered thro...
Remembering Liz Remembering Liz Elizabeth Taylor was born in 1932 in London. LIFE magazine was born in 1936 in New York City. The Taylor family moved to Los Angeles in 1939, and not ...

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Genuis is 1% talent and 99% percent hardwork...

Albert Einstein
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