Идиома A Stick-In-The-Mud
Дословный перевод этой идиомы - "палка-в-грязи". Прозвище A Stick-In-The-Mud дают людям, которые всячески противятся всему новому, боятся перемен, причем с таким упорством, что их трудно назвать даже консерваторами.
«Don't be such an old stick-in-the-mud. some stick-in-the-mud objected to the kind of music we wanted to play in church.» «Carol was inviting co-workers to a party. However, she did not even bother trying to invite Paul to the party. Carol knew Paul was a stick-in-the-mud who hated parties; even if Paul could be convinced to go, he would ruin the party with his negative attitude. As a result, Carol did not invite him at all.» «Anyway, I'm not interested in married men.' 'Oh, don't be such a stick-in-the-mud.'»
In a country well governed poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed wealth is something to be ashamed of.
В стране, которой правят хорошо, стыдятся бедности. В стране, которой правят плохо, стыдятся богатства.