Charles Sheeler: Across Media
Focusing on the complex, often paradoxical relationships among photography, film, drawing, printmaking, and painting that were central to Sheeler's art, it offers new interpretations of critical periods in the artist's career, beginning with a discussion of his seminal photographs, circa 1917, of the interior of an eighteenth-century Quaker fieldstone house in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Sections are also devoted to the film Manhatta, made in collaboration with Paul Strand; a series of commercial photographs of the Ford Motor Company's River Rogue factory; the enigmatic painting The Artist Looks at Natu and its related works; and a group of mill subjects based on Sheeler's experiments with photomontage during the 1940s and 1950s.
No one can worship God or love his neighbour on an empty stomach.
Никто не способен славить Господа или любить ближнего на голодный желудок.